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What is So The POP?


So The POP is an "Entertainment Public Relations Firm" where industry experts dedicate their time and knowledge to work one on one with talented entertainers. We take your career VERY seriously!

Do I need to be famous already to get a publicist?


​Not at all. You can have all the talent in the world, but if no one knows who you are, you might as well be invisible. Media is current, ever changing and always moving, and so are we. Many entertainers have been trying to overlook and bypass this step, but marketing (at ANY stage) is truly the most important key to your success. 


Serious entertainers are business minded from day 1. Those are the ONLY ones who last. There are almost no downsides to hiring a PR Company. Choosing one that believes in your vision is the hard part.

Why So The POP?


So The POP's core principles are in client service. You are not just a number here. We take your goals very seriously and do our best to meet your needs. We're also the most affordable PR Company in America offering our clients "Pay As You Go" convenient payment options.


We added monthly ​​payment plans to accommodate our client's budget. 


Yearly payment options are still available

​and comes with perks, so it's benefits to both options. 


We also give our clients EXCLUSIVE VIP availability to

​24 Hours A Day - 7 Days A Week
Access To Your Publicist

ANY​ Career Problems (Legal Issues, Arrests, Media Leaks, Bad Press, Illness)

ANY TIME Of The Day Or Night






Can you guarantee my success?


Every entertainer has a different threshold for which they will consider themselves successful so this answer is complicated. It's hard to guarantee something out of our control, but we can give you the promotion, marketing direction, branding and resources needed for success based on a FORMULA we know works.


Some entertainers like to do things their own way. We may know 100% A,B & C will get them to their goal, but some people have been doing X for so long, they are going to MAKE X WORK. So to guarantee success would be setting ourselves up for failure. Success is a process. Quick for some. Longer for others, but know that we work for your benefit at all times and ALL of our services are 100% GUARANTEED.


What entertainers do you work for?


Entertainer's closest and longest lasting business and personal relationships are with people who they can TRUST! For that reason So The POP does not disclose any information about our clients without their permission. We welcome if an entertainer wants to partner, refer us, give a testimonial, etc, but that's completely up to the entertainer's discretion. We're here to promote our clients, not the other way around.


So please do not be upset if we do not give you our client's info when you call. We appreciate your interest, but if you were our client, would you like it if anybody (your competition, media, nosey-bodies, etc) could call us about you? Not to say you don't mean well, but we have our privacy policy to avoid conflict of interests between you, us and most of all, our clients.


What is marketing and public relations? â€‹â€‹â€‹


Marketing is the management process for which ideas and services move from a concept to the customers. Which would be fans and supporters for entertainers. For more information, see our Steps To Success.


Public Relations, often called "spin doctors" is the profession of establishing, maintaining or improving a favorable relationship between you and the public.  Negative publicity or handling public situations negatively can halt any celebrity's career in the blink of an eye. PR manages the flow of information to persuade the public (fans/supporters), companies and investors to maintain a certain point of view about you.


Publicists can turn a little known actor into a household name. In essence, they are responsible for nurturing and shaping a star's career by creating an image through various media grabbing methods and outlets. Sometimes known as publicity agents, publicists work to get their clients the RIGHT kind of press coverage, and/or help them to restore or "re-invent" their public image if it's been damaged.




What can I do to get the best results from marketing with So The POP?


​#1. Be realistic and honest about your goals - You have to give us your honest vision for your career if you want us to market you correctly. Maintaining a profitable brand is just as important as creating one.


​#2. Keep your appointments - You can contact us for any reason, but there are important scheduled progress update meetings to keep, so try to plan ahead when scheduling them and reschedule asap if you have to cancel.


​#3. Please only Hire STP if you are or want to be a Professional Entertainer - Having talent doesn't equal a passion to work. We do not suggest our services for people who do their talents as a hobby.


​#4. Never give up - Branding your talent is an ongoing process. There are going to be peaks and valleys. So The POP is here to make sure those valleys are few and far between, but don't slow down your goal getting momentum with negativity. Your motivation to entertain is a huge part of your success.


#5. Always revert back to #1



Check out our Steps to Success to see what needs to be done to build your brand into a top EMPIRE.

So The POP

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